Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Welcome to the World Dylan Michael!!

As you all know Dylan Michael was born on October 23, 2008. He was 8 lbs 3 oz and 22 inches long!!! We are all excited to have a new member of the family!! So far we believe Dylan has his days and nights confused, so i haven't slept much since i've been home from the hospital. We are working very hard to get him on a set schedule.


Melissa said...

He is BeAuTiFuL!!! :) hugs*kisses everyone! Sara thinks he is absoultely adorable! TTYS!!! :)

Aunt Ann said...

Good job I'm so glad you decided to have a blog of Dylan. I love looking at all the pictures. Try to get some rest. He is such a little cutie.
Aunt Ann

Becky Curtis said...

He is sooooo cute!! Love you all and wish I could be there.
Love, Aunt Becky

Kelly and Family said...

Happy First Halloween Dylan!!!

I can't believe you're a week old already. Before you know it you'll be one and walking.

Hugs and Kisses !!!
We'll see you soon...

Aunt Kelly, Uncle Jer and Cousins

Ball family updates said...

He is adorable! Rest up and Happy First Halloween to him.
Love Cousin Darleena

Gretta said...

Your little boy is so cute! I'm expecting a boy in February.