Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Halloween 2009

pictures of Dylan @ Daycare with his costume on with his best friend

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Dylans 1st BDay Party

WOW what an exhausting day....but so much fun:-))) Dylan was quite overwhelmed with all the people and the gifts. Its a good thing there were tons of kids here to help him open his gifts for him:-)))))) He really liked the cake too, it was probably the best part for him....mmmm food!!!!
Thanks to everyone who was ble to come to the party and Dylans says thanks for all the Birthdays Gifts. He definatley doesn't need any more toys now!!!!

Friday, October 23, 2009


HAPPY BIRTHDAY LITTLE MAN, WE LOVE YOU:-)))) We are getting ready for a birthday party with our friends and family tomorrow. it is going to be a monkey theme, Dylan loves Monkeys!! We have about 25 people coming over and its going to be a FULL house. We will post pictures of Dylans party as soon as i take some......

Playdate at the Stong Museum, Dylan loved it there:-)

Dylan and his friend Will

Dylan and his friend Alexander

Kiss Kiss

Dylan and Will again, having so much fun together

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

11 months 2 weeks old"

Its about a week an a half before my 1st Birthday!!!!! WHOO HOOOOO!!!
Here are some pictures that my mama took of me last week:-))) We spent some time at the park but only a half an hour because it was cold out....brrrrrrrrr

I also took my 1st steps this week, i bet by the time i am 1 years old....I will be WALKING

Mama and Daddy bought me this toy for my Birthday....but they gave it to me real early. My parents are sooooo cool:-)))) Too bad my momma could get the picture tuurned the right way:(
Oh Well.... See My Cool Ride:-)))))))))))))))))))))

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

"Window Watching"

Dylans new thing is to stare out the window. He always wants to stand on his changing table so he can look out:)) Good thing he's able to look out the front window by himself!!
Dylans 1st time @ the park! Loved the Swings:-)))))

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Where has the summer gone too......


A Boo...I see You!!
do you like the marks on my crib...i did that with all my teeth:))
Momma is not too happy:(

Well Everyone, the summer is almost gone. That must make it closer to you know who's Birthday. Dylan is 10 1/2 months old. I can't believe that he is almost a year old in October the 23rd. I can't wait to have a great celebration for him.
Dylan is getting so big. He is now pulling himself up on everything and also crawling everywhere. It is now time to baby proof the house!! Look out....Here comes Dylan.
He has loved being around his cousins...they love him so much. Too bad we weren't closer to the rest of you:(( They seemed to keep him occupied for more than 5 minutes. At home, he loses such interest so fast in what he's doin...Typical little boy!!!
Well thats all for to you all soon:)))

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Pool Time Fun

This is Dylan's 1st time being in a pool!! He LOVED it. He loves to splash.
We will be going next week for a 9 month checkup- WOW 9 months already. Time is going way to fast.

Quick update: Dylan has 8 teeth and he is crawling all over the place. We can't keep him in one place anymore. He is so cute though:-))) We will have a update on his weight next week. I am assuming he weighs about 23 lbs. He is a BIG Boy!!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Here is a video and some pictures from the 4th of July. We went down to Canandaidua Lake for some music, fun and fireworks. Dylan did a really good job and really liked the fireworks. Jeremy, Kelly, Mackenzie, Madison and Mason went with us!!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Big Boy tub!!

Do you like my booster seat?

Saturday, May 9, 2009


Look what my little man made me at school, its so cute!! I love my first mothers day gift. We hope that all of you have a Happy Mothers Day too :)

Friday, May 8, 2009

6 month Checkup

6 month 1 week checkup on 04/29/09

weight: 20 lbs 2 0z
length: 27 1/4"

My daddy says that I love the St. Louis Cardinals!!!!!!

oops! I fell backwards but I love my feet

Venus loves kissing me!!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

1/2 A Year Old

Dylan turned 6 Months old this week. Where does the time go?
We started giving Dylan a sippy cup with apple juice, he loved it!!!! He is also drinking bottles a little my himself!!!