Monday, November 24, 2008

We Love Floortime

Dylan is really starting to get his own personality. He is smiling and laughing more and more everyday. He really enjoys his dogs. They are so protective of him and love to lick his face!!!Dylan is going to be 5 weeks old on Thursday and he is already fitting comfortably in 3 month clothing. We are actually going to buy 3-6 month sleepers this weekend because his feet are becoming too big to fit in the 3 month sleepers.

Aunt Kelly and Uncle Jer bought me this outfit, these fleece pants will keep me warm on all the snowy days ahead!!!!

Looks like someone needs a haircut and it's not me!!!

Hi Everyone, look at my wave

Look at my handsome smile!!!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Bathtime Fun

We gave Dylan his first tub bath last night. I think he thought it was a little weird at first but once he got used to it, i think he really enjoyed it!!! I have to say tub baths are much better than giving sponge baths!!

Here is a picture of Dylan sporting a shirt and overalls with footballs on them. He told his daddy yesterday that he wanted to wear them for football sunday!!! He loves to sit with his daddy to watch all of the games.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Dylan is 3 Weeks Old

WOW does time really go fast, I can't believe its already been 3 weeks since Dylan entered into this world!!! Shawn went back to work this week so I have been adjusting being home without him here. Dylan and I seem to be adjusting just fine!! Dylan had his 2nd doctors appointment yesterday and he currently weighs 10 lbs 2 1/2 ounces. The doctor said that he is a very healthy boy.

Here are a few pictures that i took this week, he is really starting to change

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Aunts Are Great!!!!!

We are so thankful for having so many creative aunts in our family!!! Aunt Nancy, Aunt Ann andd Aunt Becky took alot of time to make these items for Dylan. He loves them already!!!

Aunt Nancy made two Blankey's for Dylan

Aunt Ann made this Blankey and i know she has another homemade suprise for Dylan!!

Aunt Becky made this blankey along with a sweater, booties and a matching hat!! The blankey has little teddy bears imprinted in it. It is very sweet.

Thank you!!!!!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Dylans 1 Week Old

Last week we went to our 1st doctors visit and Dylan is doing really well. He lost 10 oz at the hospital before we left and gained it all back within just a few days!!! It looks like he is getting enough to eat. We have done really well getting Dylan on a set schedule, we usually put him down for a nap during the day for 2-3 hours. He is sleeping well at night in his cradle too!! We put him down for bed at 10pm and he sleeps for about 3-4 hours at a time. I am very happy that he is really improving his sleep patterns, i don't feel as tired as i did the first few days we were home.

Dylan coming home from his 1st doctors visit

Dylan loves his swing

Venus and Payton Hanging out with Dylan

Floor Time

Dylan's 1st Halloween