Monday, November 24, 2008

We Love Floortime

Dylan is really starting to get his own personality. He is smiling and laughing more and more everyday. He really enjoys his dogs. They are so protective of him and love to lick his face!!!Dylan is going to be 5 weeks old on Thursday and he is already fitting comfortably in 3 month clothing. We are actually going to buy 3-6 month sleepers this weekend because his feet are becoming too big to fit in the 3 month sleepers.

Aunt Kelly and Uncle Jer bought me this outfit, these fleece pants will keep me warm on all the snowy days ahead!!!!

Looks like someone needs a haircut and it's not me!!!

Hi Everyone, look at my wave

Look at my handsome smile!!!

1 comment:

Ball family updates said...

Have a Wonderful and Blessed Thanksgiving. Be safe traveling and enjoy family!Love the wave!
Love and prayers,
Cousin Darleena