Saturday, January 24, 2009


It has been a while since we last posted. I have been back to work for 3 weeks now and at first it was really difficult. Dylan is doing really well at daycare, i believe that he likes it alot. He doesn't seem to sleep very well there because all the other kids wake him up. When he gets home at night, he is exhausted and basically wants to go to sleep. He is such a happy little guy though and is growing so fast. i can't believe it has been three months already.
My biggest problem right now is trying to find fast and easy meals to make for dinner.
I was wondering if any of you have any suggestions or easy recipes that would help make it easy on me at night?
Here are a few pictures of him that was taken last week. He is already sitting up with the support of the bumpo!! He is not sure of it yet, but he is really strong already. He always wants to be in a sitting position.

Friday, January 2, 2009


Well my 12 week leave from work is almost over. I will return back to work on Monday and Dylan will be going to day care full time. I think that part of me is happy to be returning to work because it will give me a chance to have adult contact again but its going to be very hard to see someone else caring for my child. We went to Dylans day care today to visit and meet his teachers. There is six kids in his room and i believe he is the youngest one. One good thing about the daycare is that he will have already made a bunch of friends when he gets into kindergarden.

Here are some pictures from Christmas

Mackenzie and Madison

Grandpa with his boys Dylan and Mason

Madison, Dylan, Mackenzie and Mason at Grandma Darlenes house