Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Here are a few pictures of Dylan that I took last week. He is getting to be such a little man!! We don't know how much we will be posting because our schedule is so hectic now. I will try to post pictures as much as I can.

Dylan has been eating a little cereal this week with a little bit of bananas in it. He seems to be liking it ok. He is still waking up once at night to eat, i was hoping that he would start to sleep the whole night soon. Its hard for me to get through the days because i'm starting to feel sleep deprived. Its a good thing that there is a starbucks near by :) Dylan is doing really well at Daycare, he has made a lot of friends and really likes his teachers. He was having trouble sleeping at first but now he is more comfortable and used to other babies crying.


Unknown said...

Dylan is such a cutie!!

Gretta said...

Wyatt has the same sleeper and boppy cover. Great minds think alike! He's super cute!

Ball family updates said...

Keep up the good work blogging and I'll catch up when I get back from visiting the grandchildren in Indonesia! I know you are happy your Dad is back from Florida also! He told me he had a great time. I'll catch up on Dylan's doin's when I get back!
Love Cousin Darleena