Monday, December 15, 2008

Dylans Grandparents Are In Town!!!

We had a really great time having Shawns parents here for the week. They really enjoyed spending time with Dylan. We took Dylan out to lunch for the first time while they were here and he didn't even make one peep. I was a little worried taking him because i figured he would start to scream. He actually loves to go places with us and usually sleeps while we are out.

Marla, Mike ad Dylan
Kristy, Shawn and Dylan
Mike, Dylan and Shawn
Marla, Dylan and Shawn
Grandma and Little Dylan Cuddling
Grandpa and Dylan
Dylan doing a little dance

1 comment:

Ball family updates said...

You are so lucky to be able to have Grandparents that can come and visit. We have to travel 24 hours by plane to get to Indonesia to visit with our grandchildren!! There is hope yet to have some closer once the other children start "getting on the Ball" and having some. Enjoy the time and take alot of photos!!
Love cousin Darleena and Family