Wednesday, December 10, 2008

New Baby Items

Look at me, my mommy decided to put my high chair together yesterday. I love being able to sit up and look around!!
My daddy is taking a little snooze
Wake up daddy, I am bored!!

My Grandpa and Grandma Nash brought me this play center, It is sooooo much fun!!!

1 comment:

Kelly and Family said...


Hello, handsome little boy. I see you've outgrown that newborn look. You're now supporting the growing infant look, and you're so handsome!!!!

I can't believe that your almost 2 months old. Before you know it you'll be eating breakfast from your new little chair, and mom and dad will be wearing it.

Hug and Kisses!!! Hope to see you soon!!! Enjoy your time with grandma and grandpa.


Aunt Kelly